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Essay/Term paper: Faust: an elemental romantic work

Essay, term paper, research paper:  Book Reports

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Faust: An Elemental Romantic Work

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's work Faust was an elemental romantic work.
Faust, the main character of Faust, was similar to Prometheus or Napoleon, one
who ventured for power to rule the world. For example in Goethe's Faust, the
proud condition of human nature can be seen by the way Faust was willing to sell
his soul to better himself.
In Faust Mephistopheles makes a wager with God. The wager is that Faust,
a common doctor, will stray from the path that is true and fit. Mephistopheles
makes an agreement with Faust that if Mephistopheles satisfies Faust's desires
in this world, Faust will work as Mephistopheles servant. Faust lives a typical
romantic life full of passion, pride, and adventure. A turning point to Faust
after Faust lives his life with his desires fulfilled he decides to change.
Goethe is generally recognized as one of the greatest and most versatile
European writers and thinkers of modern times. Goethe can be compared to his
writings because he also quested to better himself. Goethe alienated himself
from society, he spent over 40 years working on Faust. Goethe's works were
cynical and self-pitying. The ideas and beliefs portrayed in Faust portray
Goethe as a romantic.


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